and how does it work?
CDN is a network of servers located in different parts of the world that cache (meaning hold a copy of) original content, and distribute it to users in their region.
This means that every user around the world receives your content from the nearest CDN server, which guarantees maximum speed and quality of work with your site.
Any project with high traffic or a wide geography of its users: online games, TV channels, online stores, corporate sites, news and game portals, etc. For almost all projects CDN is a great idea to accelerate the performance of the resource.
easy as one-two-three!
Upload your content to our network or even distribute it from your server
It is automatically spread to all our servers within the network
Data reaches each user from our server closest to them
our servers ready to cover you worldwide
use power of API and IaC tools
Use Terraform as well as build your own automation based on our HTTP API.
Fostering these practises will bring you Consistency, Reproducibility, supply you with Version Control and Auditability and improve Collaboration inside you IT department.
Get your free account and log into our Console to make use of our Content Delivery Network